Two Epic Dating Mistakes I Made That Every Man Should Avoid

Man and a woman sitting in a coffee shop happy

In a world where the dating market is as cutthroat as ever, it’s survival of the fittest when it comes to finding love.

We humans, driven by our primal instincts, yearn for both reproduction and intimate connections. But let’s face it, there has been a tectonic shift in the playing field.

Gone are the days of limited options, where we focused on our immediate surroundings for potential partners.

Now, thanks to the internet, we’re connected to a global network where even a millionaire halfway across the world can flaunt his yacht on Instagram or dating profiles.

Suddenly, the competition isn’t just within your neighbourhood—it’s worldwide.

This heightened level of competition has given rise to a staggering phenomenon: it seems like every woman is vying for the top 5% of men.

The experiences of men and women on tinder - women match with 36% of those they like while men match with less than 2%.
Dating Market is Skewed; Source: Reddit

If you’re a regular Joe sitting comfortably at the 50th percentile, you’re NOT seen as average in the eyes of potential mates.

With such fierce competition, it’s no wonder that toxicity seeps into the dating realm, leading some men to retreat into the realm of porn and self-gratification.

After all, why bother working on yourself to woo a potential mate when a few clicks can grant you access to more naked women than even the richest of kings could dream of throughout history?

It’s no surprise that we’re witnessing a surge of virgin men in today’s society.

As an average guy who has experienced my fair share of dating mistakes, I can tell you firsthand that understanding the dating market is essential.

Countless mistakes have brought me to the brink of serious mental health issues, but they’ve also taught me valuable lessons about the intricate dance of dating.

While these insights won’t magically transform you into a red-pill dating Casanova overnight who effortlessly charms their way into every heart, they will equip you with a sigma mindset—an unconventional approach to dating that will revolutionize your experience, making it both pleasurable and fulfilling.

Story Time!

Imagine this – Amidst the chaotic realm of college academia, there is a girl who catches your eye.

She sits in your class, has the same interest, and is even a member of the same society.

You spend most of the time together and the connection grew stronger with each passing day, soon enough, you find yourself falling head over heels.

Each night is spent video calling where time seemed to slip away as you delved into the depths of the most random topics the world had to offer.

Every minute spent with her is a euphoric bliss, and you are convinced you have found one and only.

It is almost perfect until one day you introduce her to your so-called “best friend,” a confidant you trusted with all your secrets including about you having a crush on the girl.

In the blink of an eye, they began a secret affair behind your back, not telling you to spare your feelings.

Months of devotion, pouring out your love and consideration, hoping to be the epitome of the perfect boyfriend, only to witness her slipping away into the arms of your supposed confidant.

It BREAKS you mentally.

Stop imagining.

This ain’t nothing but a true-to-life tale meticulously recounted by yours truly.

What a shame!

This woeful tale was not meant to elicit pity. No, it was a necessary lesson, born from my own grievous mistakes.

Because I brought this tumultuous ordeal upon myself, succumbing to not one, but two of the deadliest dating mistakes a soul could make.

As we all know, to err is human.

There is no better teacher than life

I had to feel the sting of heartbreak firsthand, endure the agony, and emerge from the ashes a wiser, stronger version of myself.

As I pen this down, hoping that my fellow young souls glean a nugget of wisdom, I am acutely aware that these words may seem mere scribbles on a canvas, devoid of meaning until experienced firsthand.

But take heed, for this will be a moment of epiphany waiting to blossom in your own unique journey of what we call life.

#1 – Get Stuck in the One-Girl Trap

Imagine a world teeming with billions of remarkable women, each possessing their own irresistible allure.

From this vast sea of possibilities, millions capture your attraction.

And guess what? Among those millions, hundreds of thousands will be eager to reciprocate your affection.

With such an abundance of potential connections, why confine yourself to that one woman who isn’t giving you the attention you deserve?

David Deida, best-selling author and spirituality teacher said it best –

Choose A Woman Who Chooses You

If you want a woman who doesn’t want you, you cannot win. It’s a lost cause.

Your neediness will undermine any possible relationship.

If she doesn’t want you, you should immediately cease pursuing her and face the pain head-on.

But, here’s where things get intriguing.

Sometimes, the boundaries between disinterest and playing hard to get become as blurry as a hazy summer sunset.

In such cases, my advice is to seek counsel from those trusted confidants we call friends – not the ones who steal your girl, but actual friends.

And if your trusted comrades shake their heads solemnly and inform you that this woman has no desire to be in your presence, then it is unequivocally over.

Don’t keep false hopes, because even if she changes her heart, she will never trust your masculine core, which will always be overshadowed by the weight of your desperation.

This is why always bode an abundance mindset, both in dating and in life.

Both the world and women are a source of feminine radiance in one’s life.

One should never forget there is no dearth of opportunities to conquer either of them.

Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!

Napolean Hill

If you’re under the delusion that any girl who throws a wink your way is automatically crowned “The One,” you couldn’t be more mistaken.

Embrace the abundance mindset to uphold your masculine frame.

It is a beacon of confidence that radiates an aura of non-neediness and when a woman wants to be in a relationship more direly than you, your masculine energy pulls her towards you like a gravitational force giving you more opportunities than you otherwise would have had.

Almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Self fulfilling prophecy of dating 
Abundance mindset -> Non Neediness -> More Opportunities
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Dating; Created by author using Canva

#2 – Playing it Too Safe

Picture this – You engage in countless conversations, forge deep-seated rapport, and grow closer to these beautiful women, only to be greeted with the dreaded line, “I love you, but only as a friend.

The infamous friendzone—a place where hopes go to die and romantic aspirations crumble into dust.

It’s a repetitive cycle that keeps adding to your ever-expanding list of “female friends” who appreciate you, but just not in that way.

You drive yourself to the point where you start despising women for not appreciating what a debonair chap you are, failing to realize that YOU are the problem.

In your quest for companionship, you forgot a crucial ingredient: the art of polarization. By failing to polarize these women and make your intentions known, you unintentionally slipped into the friend zone abyss.

Polarity refers to the existence of two opposite or contrasting forces or qualities.

The sexual attraction is based on sexual polarity, which is the force of passion that arcs between masculine and feminine poles.

All natural forces flow between two poles.

North Pole and South Pole magnetic forces
The north and south poles of the earth create a force of magnetism

In the same way, masculine and feminine poles between people create the flow of sexual feelings. This is sexual polarity.

If you’re missing that charged attraction, it’s nothing but having two pals who decided to engage in a rather unexciting genital rubdown – Unromantic!

Your failure to ignite that polarity can be a real buzzkill when it comes to wooing women.

And remember, first impressions are key. In the blink of an eye, a woman can size you up and decide whether you ignite her desires or not. So, don’t keep her waiting for that magnetic pull.

The longer you delay polarizing her, the more you hurt your chances of dating her.

But how do you polarize her you ask?

It’s all about that assertiveness!

No more tiptoeing around your desires and playing the waiting game.

Often times I see men, including myself earlier, being very timid and shy in being expressive of what they want from a relationship.

Spare the lovey-dovey act and fairy tale fantasies.

Be crystal clear about your intentions and let that dark confidence shine through.

Trust me, women find it irresistible.

By being assertive, you not only showcase your clarity of thought but also turbocharge your odds of winning her over.

Sure, this will come at the cost of you getting rejected more often than not, but remember, it’s a blessing in disguise.

You will only be rejected by those who didn’t want you in the first place.

So embrace those “no” answers, because they lead you closer to the million other women who will be captivated by your boldness.

Repeat after me:

“A no is better than no answer”

PS: Now, don't get me wrong. Building rapport, emotional connections, and mutual respect are crucial steps in nurturing a healthy and fulfilling relationship. But here's the catch: those gems are usually uncovered in the later stages. First things first, you gotta attract the women you like!

Final Words

Being a master of the dating game shouldn’t feel like climbing Mount Everest.

In fact, it’s all about tapping into your raw, authentic self and unleashing the power of your masculinity.

We often rob ourselves of the golden opportunity to truly embrace our impeccable machismo.

It’s time to break free from the chains of societal expectations and embrace the paramount existence of your masculinity.

Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

While abundance and polarity work wonders in attracting amazing women, they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The real secret sauce lies in appreciating, accepting, and expanding on your masculine traits.

It’s a sustainable hack that unlocks the best version of yourself, ensuring you snag the woman of your dreams.

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