Crackin’ the Case: To Drink or to Eat Your Eggs?

AI Generated image of a muscular man looking at raw broken eggs

This question has been bothering me for quite some time

As a fellow fitness enthusiast, I know the struggle of trying to pack in as much protein as possible without resorting to bland chicken breasts all day long, supporting my bulk

Personally, I find drinking raw eggs in the morning to be a quick and easy way to get in a protein boost. But it seems that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for this unorthodox breakfast option

When I bring up the idea of slurping down raw eggs to my non-fitness friends, they look at me like I just suggested eating a live frog. And even some of my gym rat buddies are skeptical, insisting that cooked eggs are the way to go.

So, I decided to do some digging and settle this once and for all.

After some thorough research here is what I found –

Risk of Salmonella

Raw eggs can be contaminated with salmonella bacteria (1 in 20,000 chance), which can cause food poisoning. However, to minimize this risk, consume them immediately after cracking them open and avoid prolonged contact between the eggshell and egg white. Even if some bacteria make it through, your stomach acid can take care of them

Digestive Issues

Some people may experience digestive issues such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting after consuming raw eggs. This can be attributed to digestive sensitivity or allergy to avidin – a type of protein – found in eggs

Lower bioavailability of nutrients (lower absorption)

The presence of avidin in raw eggs also becomes a reason why the degree and rate at which nutrients such as Vitamin H, B5 and B7 (Biotin) are NOT absorbed fully by the body and made available for use. This is why even if both raw and cooked eggs might have the same quantity of protein (6g), their effect on your body will NOT be the same

To sum it up, excess raw egg intake can be a leading cause of food poisoning which largely will depend on your gut health while nutrient absorption may also not be optimal

But, will it stop me from consuming raw eggs? – NO

They are still a much better option than packaged crap like cereals and maida bread being pushed as nutritious foods. Plus, lowkey I kinda like the taste of it 🙂

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