Beyond Kicks and Punches: How Martial Arts Training Can Ignite A Remarkable Transformation

Man and a woman fighting AI generated animated image

Our primal ancestors were fierce cave dwellers, engaging in body-slamming brawls over food, mates, status, and territory.

It was their everyday drudgery, an instinctive part of their existence.

But fast forward to the 21st century, and we find ourselves in a world of modern science and convenience, where we no more have to fight over resources.

But that doesn’t mean we should not embrace our primal instinct.

The excessive comfort coma of being hooked on the Netflix drug and sugar-loaded ice cream tubs has made us a generation of weaklings who can’t and won’t fight.

CAN’T fight is fine, but WON’T fight is unacceptable

Andrew Tate

That’s why I decided to break free from the comfort trap and learn how to fight.

Author with his sparring partners @ Kia Kaha, Sarjapur

It’s not just about throwing punches and kicks; and definitely not just about the external battles, but also the internal ones.

Here are 4 ways it helped me –

[1] Confidence-igniting elixir

I was a meek and timid guy with no aggression. I was fit from playing sports, but when it came to standing up to bullies, I would often shy away.

I avoided confrontation like a plague, the sign of a frail masculine move.

Why would you run away from a confrontation that you know is a looming certainty to make a stand for yourself?

So I decided to step up and learn how to fight, even if I knew I might never have to use those combat skills in a physical altercation.

The mere belief in my capabilities and that I could do something itself sparked the confidence in me to confront with gusto.

You should be a monster. An absolute monster. And then you should learn how to control it.

Jordan B. Peterson

This is the ultimate confidence booster.

But it’s not just about physical confrontations.

The confidence I gained from fighting spilled over into all areas of my life.

I found myself being more assertive, less of a pushover. No longer was I treated poorly or ignored.

My presence was felt, and it was all because of the newfound confidence I had gained.

[2] Mental toughness

Take any sport for that matter, it makes you mentally tough.

Mental toughness is all about doing the stuff that puts you in discomfort. Having control over your mind in such fabricated situations makes it easier for you to go through them in real life like a breeze.

Just like physical conditioning, mental conditioning takes time and effort. You gotta progressively overload that brain of yours. Push it to the brink of voluntary discomfort, squeeze that last rep in, and then go a little further.

But martial arts is not just about enduring tough exercises.

You gotta prep your mind for taking a hit, a real rib-breaking gut-punch that could knock the wind out of you. And that takes some serious mental fortitude.

Sure, putting yourself in harm’s way might sound crazy, but at least you have control over the intensity and duration of discomfort.

It’s a different story when you step into the ring with an opponent who is trying to land a naptime knockdown blow.

In that moment, you surrender yourself to the situation.

You’re ready for whatever comes your way, whether it’s an unstoppable iron fist to the jaw or a lightning-fast shin to your knee.

And that’s what makes you truly tough.

[3] Toned and Trimmed Figure

Combat sports, unlike bodybuilding, is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

It may not be the most optimum way to achieve muscle hypertrophy, but the best possible way to shed a great number of calories in a shorter duration of time.

Surveys have shown that leaner V-taper physiques that turns heads and steals the show and are much more aesthetically attractive than bulky bodybuilders.

With combat sports, you engage in movements that tone and condition your muscles while helping you shed those extra pounds. It’s a win-win situation where you get to show off your toned muscles and flaunt your trim physique!

But it’s not just about looking good.

Combat sports also offer incredible cardiovascular benefits and stamina improvement that will keep you going strong in the ring or bed 😉

Here’s a bold opinion –
Combat Sports > Bodybuilding

While bodybuilders may focus solely on increasing muscle mass, combat sports take it to the next level with functional muscle that’s more athletic.

It’s not just about being bulky, but about having the strength-to-mass ratio and flexibility that truly matter.

Who says bigger is always better?

Skinny fighters can demolish opponents twice their size, thanks to their superior strength-to-mass ratio
Can a bodybuilder touch their toes without struggling? Doubtful. But a fighter with flying back kicks as their secret weapon? Absolutely!
[4] Natural Testosterone Turbocharger

From practising NoFap to soaking under daily AM sunlight, there are plenty of tricks up your sleeve.

But here’s the clincher – studies show that testosterone levels skyrocket “during the aggressive phases of sports games”, and combat sports take the crown for being the most intense.

And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to tap into that hormonal powerhouse?

Get in the ring, and watch your T-levels soar along with your sex drive, risk-taking ability, muscle-building potential, ambition, confidence, and even attention from the ladies.

Say hello to a denser beard, a deeper voice, and a lifetime of benefits.

It’s time to fight for that hormonal advantage and feel more alive than ever.

One punch at a time!

Final words

Fighting isn’t always about fists flying and blood pumping.

It’s about standing up against injustice, defending your values, and fighting for what you believe in, just like Lord Rama and the mighty Pandavas did!

It’s a courageous act that requires strength, resilience, and determination.

As the old saying goes, “If you want peace, be prepared for war.”

So, gear up to fight for the greater good, be it in the literal or figurative sense, and never shy away from a righteous battle.

If you still aren’t convinced, I would let Tyler Durden do the job.

Tyler Durden Quote

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